Monday, June 15, 2015

Reflections Behind Bars

A “Live Experiential Exhibition” is being planned by a group of young professionals as a means of presenting the 30 paintings drawn by Charles Dayananda while incarcerated during 1971 an 1977 for being part of the failed JVP Insurrection.  More importantly, they want to generate  reflection and articulation on the deeper issues around the thoughts of the Artist and their relevance to us today.

The Artist Charles Dayananda himself raises several important questions around these pictures, hidden for 42 years from the public eye. He hopes that those who experience the ‘Event of the exhibition” may dwell on the following…

Beyond the gates of the Jail there exists a reality that is not seen by the outside world. 

The exhibition will be an opportunity to

1.     Experience  a little of ‘Jail’ for the first time in one’s life.
2.     Reflect on the true meaning of the now popular phrase “Prisoners are human too”
3.     To evoke a conversation beyond the simple assertion that ‘A prisoner is a criminal and he should be punished’ and look at the life of the prisoner inside the prison in a sensitive manner.
4.     Is maintaining a Prison a requirement of a civilized society? Or is it a tool that enables rulers or the ruling elite to manage society in a manner that is convenient to them. The response to this may be the simple answer that “Criminals need Prisons”. 
5.     If that is so, the question may be asked “What is a Crime”? “How and Why do crimes happen in the first place?” “Who is a Criminal”? “Is there evidence of a decrease in crime because criminals are put in prison?”? 
6.     The long term experience of every Society has been that there is no reduction or eradication of crime owing to criminals being incarcerated in prison. A discussion can be initiated on the lines of what might be the features of  a ‘prison-free’ alternative society.
7.     The idea that this can be achieved by creating awareness among the people and through value education and the development of moral behavioral patterns can emerge in this context.  
8.     If that were so…  the next obvious issue is … ‘How come moral and religious education and practice over 2000 years has not borne any fruit?’

One of the main objectives of Charles Dayananda in bring his paintings into the public view is his hope that ‘A New Social Discussion’ on whether crime might be  result of the prevailing unethical Social structure, social injustice, private property, class segregation and prejudice will be ignited in Sri Lankan society in particular.

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